Remote workshops

In addition to running in-person workshops, The Innovation Practice can now run workshops remotely with teams of up to 10 to 15 people at a time, anywhere in the world.


How do they work?

Everyone needs a computer with access to a camera and a good broadband connection.  In advance of the workshop I send links to the software required.

​During the session, I facilitate and use software to enable teams to view and contribute to debates and creative sessions.  I use virtual canvasses and post it notes to allow the sharing of ideas and thoughts.

​I use breakout rooms to allow small groups to work separately on stuff and throughout I ensure the workshop is engaging, collaborative and fun.

​As the workshop progresses through its stages, I will email everyone the output created during each session so that it can referenced at any time.

They don't replace live workshops but they get very close! There is a lot more detail in my Remote User Case Study which you can download here


"I participated in an innovation workshop facilitated by Ludo last week, which we moved to Zoom instead of face to face. I was astonished to see that the interactions were probably just as efficient if not in some way more efficient than if done in person. Although I missed the direct contact with a fascinating and diverse group of fellow innovators, the outcome was impressive." Dr. Daniel A. Kaute, ECO-Limited

​"I was really impressed both with the process and the ease with which the participants were able to interact freely. Ludo guides the process really skillfully and kept us making headway as we worked through various tasks. The virtual boards he uses to capture the process were easy to read and interact with and we came away with a really useful future business model and set of actions." Justin Pisani, GWA

​"The outputs from our remote business planning workshop that you organised was as valuable and productive as if we had all been sitting in a room together. Thank you for helping me and my team develop and revise our business strategy at this critical time in a meaningful way" William Averdiek, Barocal